Wild at Heart: A Community for Men

by Dave Ward | Charge the Summit


Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul” is a phenomenal book by John Eldridge. It helped me understand my role in the world as a man. It brings to light how we relate to women, how we relate as fathers and husbands, why we do so many of the self-destructive behaviors that we do on a daily basis and how those behavior impact ourselves and those around us. And, perhaps most importantly, it talks about the positive impact men can have on the world.

One of the after effects of the [unbelievable] Training Camp LIVE Men’s Leadership event I co-hosted with my buddy, Jimmy Hays Nelson, in Dallas on March 28th, 2015, was a desire to create a special community for men. [Sorry ladies, but men have a lot of trouble being men when women are in the room.]

Here’s a video explaining what the group is about and a special invitation for YOU:


Also, I forgot to talk about this in the video, but I’m not looking to work with guys that are already Beachbody Coaches. If that’s you, we have an awesome support structure that is focused on the business here: https://www.facebook.com/events/899396106772316/. Definitely join if you’re already a Coach.

About Dave Ward

Retired lawyer turned marketer that spends a lot of time doing cool shit.

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