Scott Dinsmore TED: How To Find and Do Work You Love

by Dave Ward | Charge The Summit

I love TED Talks. They feature interesting people talking about interesting things. Here’s a great Scott Dinsmore TED


One of the primary goals of Charge the Summit is to help you do more cool shit. That shouldn’t be limited to skiing, surfing, mountain biking, and other outdoor pursuits. Your WORK should be cool. You should love it. No, you MUST love it.

Scott Dinsmore lays out a pretty simple framework to find and do work you love:

  1. Become a Self-Expert…Know Thyself. I coach people to start with their strengths. That usually leads them to their passion, which will inevitably lead them to define what “success” looks like for them.
  2. Do the “Impossible”…”Everything wasn’t possible until someone did it.” That is as true about Roger Bannister and the 4 minute mile as it is about your life.
  3. Surround Yourself with Passionate People. You truly are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. I’ve recently joined a bunch of groups on so I can be around more cool people doing more cool shit. These aren’t pizza eating clubs. They’re breeding grounds for success filled with bloggers, entrepreneurs, outdoor junkies, and more.

Take this information and go put it into action. Not tomorrow. Not next week. NOW. If it seems daunting, start with #3.

About Dave Ward

Retired lawyer turned marketer that spends a lot of time doing cool shit.

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